“All these people who lost their jobs, lost their homes, how about if we let them rebuild their own city, pay them a decent wage and give them decent benefits?”
“The last thing in the world that the people of California need is to spend $70 [million] to $100 million on a recall election that could be used for schools, hospitals, to hire police officers and firemen. What we ought to do is put an end to this -- end this circus, and send Republicans a clear message on recall day.”
“If you look at the history of endorsements in this campaign, they haven't had a lot of sway with voters, which is understandable, ... Voters make their own decisions in presidential campaigns.”
“The people of North Carolina voted their hopes instead of their fears. I intend to work harder than any person who has ever represented this state in the United States Senate.”
“It's clear to me from all these events I'm having that voters want this choice between John Edwards and John Kerry. What I've seen happen everywhere we've gone is that there's been a powerful response and surge in the last few days before a primary takes place.”
“Today George Bush is laughing again. Over 1,000 Americans have lost their lives. Americans are being beheaded. Iraq is a mess, and they think this is a joke. It is clear they have no idea how to protect our troops, but they will do anything to protect their jobs.”
“retreated to the same rhetoric about progress and peace that do not match the reality occurring every day in Iraq. It is a country consumed with chaos, not a shining example of progress in the war against terrorism.”