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Famous Producers

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Aaron Sorkin popularity 6/10  Aaron Sorkin quotesJoss Whedon popularity 8/10  Joss Whedon quotes
Andy Rooney popularity 8/10  Andy Rooney quotesKevin Costner popularity 8/10  Kevin Costner quotes
Barbra Streisand popularity 9/10  Barbra Streisand quotesKirk Douglas popularity 8/10  Kirk Douglas quotes
Bill Cosby popularity 9/10  Bill Cosby quotesLarry Gelbart popularity 0/10  Larry Gelbart quotes
Bill Maher popularity 8/10  Bill Maher quotesLaurence Olivier, Sir popularity 0/10  Laurence Olivier, Sir quotes
Billy Crystal popularity 7/10  Billy Crystal quotesLew Grade popularity 0/10  Lew Grade quotes
Billy Wilder popularity 6/10  Billy Wilder quotesLouis B. Mayer popularity 6/10  Louis B. Mayer quotes
Blair Underwood popularity 7/10  Blair Underwood quotesMack Sennett popularity 5/10  Mack Sennett quotes
Bob Allisat popularity 0/10  Bob Allisat quotesMarcel Pagnol popularity 6/10  Marcel Pagnol quotes
Bruce Willis popularity 9/10  Bruce Willis quotesMarvin Gaye popularity 10/10  Marvin Gaye quotes
Cecil B. De Mille popularity 6/10  Cecil B. De Mille quotesMel Brooks popularity 9/10  Mel Brooks quotes
Charlie Chaplin popularity 9/10  Charlie Chaplin quotesMel Gibson popularity 10/10  Mel Gibson quotes
Christian Slater popularity 8/10  Christian Slater quotesMerrit Malloy popularity 5/10  Merrit Malloy quotes
Clint Eastwood popularity 10/10  Clint Eastwood quotesMichael Landon popularity 8/10  Michael Landon quotes
Curtis Mayfield popularity 8/10  Curtis Mayfield quotesMick Jagger popularity 9/10  Mick Jagger quotes
Dan Aykroyd popularity 8/10  Dan Aykroyd quotesMitchell Burgess popularity 0/10  Mitchell Burgess quotes
Daryl F. Zanuck popularity 0/10  Daryl F. Zanuck quotesMorgan Freeman popularity 8/10  Morgan Freeman quotes
David Merrick popularity 3/10  David Merrick quotesNicolas Cage popularity 8/10  Nicolas Cage quotes
David Selznick popularity 0/10  David Selznick quotesNorman Lear popularity 6/10  Norman Lear quotes
Demi Moore popularity 10/10  Demi Moore quotesNunnally Johnson popularity 0/10  Nunnally Johnson quotes
Dennis Quaid popularity 8/10  Dennis Quaid quotesOliver Stone popularity 8/10  Oliver Stone quotes
Dodie Smith popularity 6/10  Dodie Smith quotesOprah Winfrey popularity 10/10  Oprah Winfrey quotes
Edward Gordon Craig popularity 6/10  Edward Gordon Craig quotesOrlando McGuire popularity 0/10  Orlando McGuire quotes
Francois Truffaut popularity 6/10  Francois Truffaut quotesOrson Welles popularity 8/10  Orson Welles quotes
Fred Friendly popularity 5/10  Fred Friendly quotesOscar Hammerstein II popularity 6/10  Oscar Hammerstein II quotes
Fred Rogers popularity 8/10  Fred Rogers quotesOtto Preminger popularity 6/10  Otto Preminger quotes
Gary Sinise popularity 8/10  Gary Sinise quotesPaul Van Dyk popularity 0/10  Paul Van Dyk quotes
Geena Davis popularity 9/10  Geena Davis quotesPhil Spector popularity 8/10  Phil Spector quotes
Gene Hackman popularity 8/10  Gene Hackman quotesQuentin Tarantino popularity 8/10  Quentin Tarantino quotes
Gene Roddenberry popularity 7/10  Gene Roddenberry quotesRichard Dreyfuss popularity 7/10  Richard Dreyfuss quotes
George Harrison popularity 9/10  George Harrison quotesRobert de Niro popularity 8/10  Robert de Niro quotes
George Lucas popularity 9/10  George Lucas quotesRobert Urich popularity 8/10  Robert Urich quotes
George M. Cohan popularity 7/10  George M. Cohan quotesRobin Sharma popularity 5/10  Robin Sharma quotes
Geraldo Rivera popularity 7/10  Geraldo Rivera quotesRod Sterling popularity 6/10  Rod Sterling quotes
Harley Granville Barker popularity 5/10  Harley Granville Barker quotesRoger L. Stevens popularity 0/10  Roger L. Stevens quotes
Harry Belafonte popularity 8/10  Harry Belafonte quotesSamuel Goldwyn popularity 6/10  Samuel Goldwyn quotes
Harry M. Warner popularity 0/10  Harry M. Warner quotesSean Connery popularity 9/10  Sean Connery quotes
Harvey Keitel popularity 8/10  Harvey Keitel quotesSean Penn popularity 8/10  Sean Penn quotes
J. Michael Straczynski popularity 5/10  J. Michael Straczynski quotesSharon Stone popularity 10/10  Sharon Stone quotes
Jack L. Warner popularity 6/10  Jack L. Warner quotesSteve Martin popularity 8/10  Steve Martin quotes
Jack Nicholson popularity 8/10  Jack Nicholson quotesSteven Seagal popularity 8/10  Steven Seagal quotes
James Cameron popularity 7/10  James Cameron quotesSteven Spielberg popularity 8/10  Steven Spielberg quotes
Jerry Lewis popularity 8/10  Jerry Lewis quotesTom Cruise popularity 10/10  Tom Cruise quotes
Joan Ganz Cooney popularity 6/10  Joan Ganz Cooney quotesTom Hanks popularity 8/10  Tom Hanks quotes
Joe Flaherty popularity 6/10  Joe Flaherty quotesVanna Bonta popularity 6/10  Vanna Bonta quotes
John Osborne popularity 6/10  John Osborne quotesWalt Disney popularity 10/10  Walt Disney quotes
John Travolta popularity 9/10  John Travolta quotesWarren Beatty popularity 8/10  Warren Beatty quotes
Johnathan Larson popularity 5/10  Johnathan Larson quotesWill Smith popularity 10/10  Will Smith quotes
Jon Voigt popularity 6/10  Jon Voigt quotesWilliam Friedkin popularity 5/10  William Friedkin quotes
Jonathan Miller popularity 6/10  Jonathan Miller quotesWilliam Shatner popularity 9/10  William Shatner quotes
Joseph L. Mankiewicz popularity 3/10  Joseph L. Mankiewicz quotes 
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